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Do your muscles feel tight or do you frequently feel the need to stretch? Do you have aches and pains in your neck, low back or hips? Do you feel stiff and fatigued or tender in the mornings?  “Trigger points are tender, sensitive areas that when pressed, stuck, heated or cooled can be exquisitely painful” (Koren Publications). Trigger Points can also radiate or refer to other areas of the body; they don’t have to be directly felt in the area that bothers you directly. These points are common with muscle strain or sprain and spasms, as well as with pain, inflammation and other muscle and joint problems.

In many cases if you have muscle spasms, you also have a subluxation, or misalignment, in your spine. Traditional medicine says to treat the area that is hurting with suppressing medicines and pain killing shots. But chiropractic asks, “What is causing the pain?” The best example of this is to put a rubber band around your finger several time. Even if you only put it on 1 time more than it will stay up by itself on your finger. Let it sit for a few minutes…Is you finger red? Swollen on the tip? Does it ache or have stabbing pains?  If you take an aspirin or put a shot in the top of your finger is it going to heal or dull the pain? The only way to remove the pain and let your finger muscle relax is to remove the rubber band, right? In this case, the rubber band is the subluxation and the fingertip is the affected area.

Chiropractors are experts in muscular and skeletal conditions. When you come into WellnessFirst you receive a complete neurological, orthopedic and musculoskeletal examination. If you know someone who is in pain, send them into one of our chiropractors. You’ll be glad you did and so will they.

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