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Many people may think that chiropractic is just for back pain, but did you know that chiropractic adjustments can help you fight colds and flu? While chiropractic patients find us helpful with neuromusculoskeletal problems, they also often find that they have improved overall health. Many find fewer or less severe colds, flu and respiratory problems.

Germs are constantly attacking your body and the membranes that protect it. In one study, researchers placed cold viruses directly on the mucous lining of subjects’ noses, but only 12% of subjects came down with the cold. Here is the catch. In order for the germs to grow into an infection, cold, or flu, your body must be susceptible and have a lower resistance.

Several factors can lower your resistance. Structural Stress, like subluxations, affect the body’s ability to deal with outside stressors. Think of a 60 watt light bulb that is only getting 40 watts. It’s still lights, just not as brightly or efficiently. Chemical Stress also affects the body. This can be from soaps and detergents to the chemicals and additives in processed food. Also Emotional Stress or running on empty, can wear down the system. 

Chiropractic care removes interferences in the body’s communication system and allows the body to naturally build resistance to disease. After all, natural resistance is what helps the cold go away rather than lasting for months. Studies have shown that even patients with chronic illness have had improvement in symptoms after spinal care.

Diseases are crises of purification, of toxic elimination. Symptoms are the natural defenses of the body. We call them diseases, but in fact they are the cure of diseases.” This written statement by Hippocrates, the “father” of medicine, is still true today. Fever, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, and others are the body’s natural defense system and help purify the body of invaders, toxins and rogue cells. While colds and flu symptoms may be uncomfortable and inconvenient, they serve a greater purpose in the body. One study discovered that individuals who had febrile infectious childhood diseases (measles, mumps, and chicken pox) had less cancer as adults.

The medical approach to illness is to suppress the symptoms. When you don’t feel good, it can be really tempting to reach for anything that will help the symptoms like over the counter fever reducers, decongestants, antihistamines and the like. And sometimes these may even be necessary. But it can be hazardous to your long term health to the take medicines that don’t fit the illness. Colds and Flu are viruses. Taking antibiotics will not help and in fact may make your body antibiotic resistant, so they won’t work when you do need them.

While chiropractic adjustments help the body significantly in recovery and may ease the symptoms. The body still needs to express the symptoms. Why not use products that will support the immune system naturally? Essential Oils are the world’s oldest medicine. They are plant based, naturally sourced, pure oils that may help support the body functions. The Respiratory Blend or Eucalyptus for breathing, peppermint and lavender for fever and Digestive Blend for stomach issues can really make a big difference in balancing and supporting the body. Protective Blend may help the body fight back and support the immune system as well. The time to look into this is before you need it. Let us help get you started.

Here is what one of our team members experienced this week:

I've been fighting a Sinus and Respiratory cold all week and it seems like everyone I know is fighting the same junk. I've been a chiropractic patient for years so I knew to add in an extra chiropractic adjustment this week to keep my system optimized. Even with lots of fluids, living next to the vaporizer and focusing on eating nutrient rich foods, I was still pretty miserable...until I finally tried inhaling the sinus bomb oils of lemon, melaleuca, peppermint and oregano in a cup of steaming hot water. I honestly don't know how I survived 35 years without essential oils. I love how they support the body's natural healing abilities...naturally. And as an added bonus, my husband can use Protective Blend to naturally support his immune system so he doesn't catch the same junk. Along with chiropractic care, these oils put the power of healing back into the hands of the patient. I can have them in my house and use them when I need them! - Stef Nelson