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Everyone has their own ways of dealing with the cold and blustery days of winter, don't they? Some may eat more chilli, stew or pot roast. Some may reach for the sugar. Some may get grouchier. Some my choose to hibernate. And some may do all of the above, right? This article has some practical advice to beat the winter blues. 

I would also recommend keeping up with regular chiropractic adjustments. You may not "feel" like you need it, but your body can use the boost to help you fight the harsher elements and stress that may come this time of year. Sometimes I notice at this point the adjustment can be more of an attitude adjustment as much as opening up the brain connections to the rest of the body. 

I personally love cloudy, blustery days (yes, I know it's not normal.), but even I can find winter long and dreary. When I do catch a case of the Winter Grump-ies, I found that a dose of Vitamin D really helps. I would recommend making sure this is in your diet all the time, but especially in Winter.

One other thing that can really lift my spirits is a couple of my favorite essential oils. I either put them on topically, diffuse them, or just inhaling the aroma two or three times can really reset my brain and help me change my outlook. My personal favorites for this are Uplifting Blend and Women's Blend. Whisper is by far my favorite; it smells to me like hope, joy, clouds, babies, puppies and rainbows all in one. While not everyone may be so taken with this blend, I have found that each person I talk with has some scent that is this way for them. Maybe it is a favorite candle or the smell of something baking...whatever it is, I would encourage you to enjoy it and see if the blues don't at least ebb away.

I hope these tips help you. If you enjoyed this blog, sign up for our e-mailing list for more great information. Our doctor is happy to offer a free chiropractic or essential oils consultation to anyone who mentions this article; to schedule please contact us