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What’s In Your Food?

There is a quiet epidemic happening in America today. It is slowly effecting all Americans without a lot of press or knowledge by the masses. This article is not meant to diagnose, but only to educate and create awareness. We largely support every person doing their own research. Do you really know what is in your food? Have you heard about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)?

Simply put, GMOs are a strain or gene of a disease or treatment that is being added to a plant to help aspects of a growing process. These combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes cannot occur naturally or using traditional crossbreeding techniques. This process is very advantageous for farmers who need higher yields because they can help with insect resistance, drought resistance, herbicide tolerance, disease resistance or modified nutritional content. An example of this is round-up ready corn; genetic engineers have taken a chemical from the round-up and added it to the DNA of the corn, so it is better able receive round-up. While much of this corn may not be for human consumption directly, it is fed to our meat sources. A second example of this is plums: engineers have taken a gene from the plum pox virus and added it to the plums to make them more disease resistant. Let me be clear, we are not talking about hybridization, where part of the same type of plant is crossed for a better product, we are speaking of non-plant materials being added to crops.

Many of our processed foods contain sources with GMOs. If foods or products contain any of the following they are likely modified: Alfalfa, Canola, Corn, Cotton, papaya, soy, sugar beets, zucchini, summer squash, tomatoes or potatoes. Also at risk are many of our animal products such as milk (all milk products), meat, eggs, or honey.

In over 60 developed countries GMOs are considered unsafe including Australia, Japan, and all of the European Union. They are no longer accepting crops from the US because of our genetic modifications to the foods. In a couple of our states it is now a law that all companies must label the GMOs on all of their products. However, the government has approved the use of GMOs without the use of long-term studies.

So that leaves the question: Are GMOs really that bad for humans? YES. Here are just a few of the symptoms that are tied with GMOs. There are now at least 65 serious health risks linked to GM foods.

  • Irritable bowel, Leaky Gut
  • Infertility in women
  • Premature births, miscarriages, and birth defects
  • Loss of Libido & Erectile Dysfunction in Men
  • Thyroid Dysfunction – leading to anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, difficulty losing weight, digestive problems and food allergies
  • In Children: Behavioral problems (including ADD / ADHD), food allergies, digestive stress, early puberty and fertility problems, asthma, cancer
  • Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, cancer
  • Increased Toxicity
  • Decreased Nutritional Value
  • Antibiotic resistance

Here are some tips on how to avoid GMOs for you and your family

  • Look for the NON-GMO project label
  • Buy organic certified produce and package foods.
  • Avoid high-risk ingredients
  • Be wary of non-GMO claims that lack certification
  • Avoid processed foods
  • Watch out for restaurants including school lunches
  • Buy and plant your own organic seeds

How Can WellnessFirst Help?

Toxins are everywhere, but if your body is less stressed it is better able to function at a higher level and get rid of the toxins. Chiropractic Adjustments help remove interference and stress on the body.

Massage is a great way to encourage the body to release and remove toxins.

Foot Detoxification Baths help pull heavy metals and other toxic stresses out of the largest pores in your body (your feet)

Essential oils are the world’s oldest medicine and help break down the cell walls of bacteria, viruses and other attackers to your body.

We now offer free wellness and essential oils consultations.

If you know someone who is looking for more natural solutions to health-related symptoms or to a healthier living, please have them contact our office for a free consultation to see how we can help.