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Before you know it, leaves will be falling and it will be time to get out the rake. While this can be a fun family activity, it is still hard work and it is hard on your body.

If your body isn’t prepared for all the activity the twisting, turning, bending and reaching can yield consequences of back or neck strain and pain or worse, injury. Just like preparing for an athletic practice or event, your body benefits from preparing before yardwork.

Here are some thoughts on how to prepare for activity.


- Claps hands straight out in front pull arms to feel stretch in the back.

- Lower back child pose. An all fours shift weight to ankles and reach forward with arms.


- Take arm across chest and pull elbow into your body.

- Move your ear to same shoulder avoid elevating shoulder.


- Hamstring: prop foot on table keep back straight and lean forward until stretch is felt.

- Quads: hold on to chair grasp the heel and bring it to the butt.

Our friends at the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) offer even more insights

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