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If you are like me, once the warm weather starts it didn’t take long to start the sneezing, stuffy nose and coughing, but I couldn’t wait to be outside after being cooped up all winter. As I got older nothing seemed to help me fight the spring allergy symptoms and then I learned about the chiropractic approach to boosting my immune system. By shifting my focus to building a healthy body and immune system, I am better able to manage my symptoms naturally. - Stef Nelson

Our immune system is amazing. It works so hard to keep us healthy. It recognizes and destroys invaders like bacteria, viri, pollutants, dust, pollen, drugs, tumors, and more. Nervous function, diet, genetics and our emotions all influence our immune system.

A healthy immune system means a higher resistance to disease and infection and a better ability to handle stress. However, sometimes our immune systems can operate in over-drive and overreact to foreign substances like bee stings, medicines, foods or drugs. It can also get confused and attack you like in autoimmune disorders.

            Allergies are the most common immune disorder. Your immune system overreacts to an allergen (like dust, pollen, pets, foods, medicines, etc) and it produces too many histamines and other neutralizing chemicals to counteract the invaders.

Most medical doctors will prescribe something to suppress the immune system reaction like antihistamines to help counteract the body’s overreaction. However these medicines can also cause serious problems to our body. The chiropractic approach is to encourage the body to function at its highest possible level by doing spinal adjustments to remove interference throughout the system. While it is not a cure for allergies, a healthy body is more capable of neutralizing these toxic invaders.

About 25 percent of children today is suffering from allergies, asthma, ADHD or autism. It leads us to ask what is causing this number to rise and how can we help. As chiropractors one of the best things we can do is to adjust infants early and to adjust children regularly.

One other thing we can do is to help educate our patients about the importance of childhood nutrition. Clinical observations show that breast-fed babies may have few allergy problems than formula-fed babies. Breast-fed babies appear to have healthier immune systems and nervous systems. One comment of infant formula, reading the label and working toward organically grown foods will be the next best option to breastmilk.

Our doctors are always ready to help you, contact our office for a free consultation.

Based on Koren Pamphlet: Allergies